
How Superdry Made It Big

The story of how one of the coolest brands in the fashion industry today, Superdry, made it big is very interesting.

Superdry is one of the biggest success stories in the world of fashion and the garment industry in particular and in the history of business as well. There are a lot of lessons that can be learnt from the Super Dry way of doing things and the things that the people behind the brand did differently that has led the brand to some of the most amazing success that the world has even seen.

All this is made even more amazing and even more impressive by the fact that Super Dry has set some of the most record breaking profits and has had its most meteoric growth amid one of the worst depressions that the world has seen in a few decades and definitely the worst recession that this generation has seen.

The CEO of Superdry is a man called Julian Dunkerton and he shares some of the secrets that has led his business to nearly triple its year on year profits at a time when many of his biggest competitors, even the biggest labels and brands that he once worked for, are struggling to break even and the smaller competitors are quite simply going out of business.

The first important differentiator that has helped drive the record sales of the Super Dry according to Julian Dunkerton, the CEO, is the fact that they always try and price their clothes and other merchandise at the lowest possible selling price at which they can still make a profit. Julian Dunkerton says that most of his competitors try and sell their clothes and accessories for as much as they can possibly get away with and this hurts the sales as well as reduces people's brand loyalty.

The second important reason according to Julian Dunkerton is that the company has a lot of logos as opposed to all of their competitors who all have just one logo each. What this means is that as the other brands get more and more popular, you have more people wearing the same logo, which is something that no one wants. Julian Dunkerton says that the last thing someone wants is to walk into a pub and see that everyone is wearing the same logo. He says that with Superdry, twenty people in the same pub can all be wearing the same brand and there is a good chance that no two of them will be wearing the same logo on their clothes.

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