
What Does a Sourcing Specialist Do?


A sourcing specialist is an expert recruiter for job candidates. Her job is to find perfect candidates to fill positions based on the requirements set forth by a company's human resources manager or by an employment agency manager. Sourcing specialists can be hired directly by a company or be contracted through an employment agency. Her success depends on her ability to find a candidate who matches specific experience and educational requirements at a salary and location agreeable to the employee and employer.Before the age of technology, a sourcing specialist had to rely solely on newspapers, trade publications and job or career fairs to find job candidates. The process was effective, but tedious and slow. For even the most common positions, the interviewing, job history verification and hiring processes were often labor-intensive and frustrating. The arrival of the Internet provided sourcing specialists many advantages to make the job much easier. She can post jobs, review resumes, check references and even conduct interviews without ever leaving her home or office. When not working at her desk, she has mobile devices that enable her to monitor works in progress. She can remotely communicate with job applicants and employers, as well as add, delete, update or alter her own job postings. Not only must a sourcing specialist shine in the area of communications, but her organizational skills must also be beyond reproach. She generally is constantly in touch with prospective candidates, human resource representatives and referring sources. Her day normally includes many appointments and meetings, with time allowed for phone calls, texting and e-mail correspondence. Public relations are also a large part of a sourcing specialist’s job. Strong community ties are helpful to keep up on local hiring trends and be informed of new company openings. Neighborhood job fairs, although not as popular as they once were, are still good places to build community relationships and make personal, face-to-face connections. On the less social side of a sourcing specialist’s job, she must educate herself on employment rules and regulations set forth by various government agencies in her area. Lack of compliance in any of these areas could result in legal problems or a tarnished professional image for her or her company. It is also important for a sourcing specialist to be aware of the demographics of the area in which she is recruiting to determine if qualified candidates are available or if she will be required to expand her search. Many companies prefer a bachelor’s degree for sourcing specialist jobs. A successful and impressive background in sourcing and recruitment, however, can often negate this educational requirement. Continuing education while being employed as a sourcing specialist is also a popular option.

